What Type of Water Filter Is Best for Your Home?

16 August 2021
 Categories: , Blog


A home water filter system is essential if you want clear, safe and great tasting water for your home. There are many different types on the market though, so you will have to give some thought to which type is best for you.

Mechanical filter

The simplest way to filter water is to pass it through a physical membrane first. This will remove particles from the water, although exactly how much is removed will depend on the filter itself. For instance, some can remove microscopic particles including bacteria. However, this type of filtration is most likely to be used in jugs rather than built-in systems, as it is too slow to provide running water.

Chemical adsorption

This method uses activated carbon to absorb the contaminants in the water. Any impurities tend to stick to the carbon and thus are removed from the water itself. This is a quick and simple method of filtration which is also environmentally friendly. The carbon will remove a lot of unpleasant smells and tastes as well as unwanted chemicals but will leave the minerals that are important to health. It is, therefore, a very popular and highly effective choice for water filter systems.

Reverse osmosis filter

This type of filtration works by forcing the water at high pressure through various membranes to remove all its contaminants. The result is pure and taste-free water that may be useful for some purposes, but which will not contain the various minerals that the human body needs and which are present in tap water. It is therefore very similar to distillation, another method of purifying water that can produce a result that is too pure for everyday use. It is probably best for those with a specific need for very pure water.


Ultraviolet or UV filters irradiate the water with high-frequency light. This kills the viruses and bacteria that can cause health problems and is a very eco-friendly method of filtration. However, you should be aware that it does not remove impurities such as pesticides or other physical contaminants. Unless you are interested only in sanitising the water rather than filtering it, ultraviolet is probably best combined with another method.

You should consider any specific problems with your water supply — whether it is prone to contamination by pesticides, for example — before deciding which type of system to install. If you are in doubt, your installer will be happy to offer advice. Contact a home water filter service for more information.