How to Get the Designer Ensuite Look

19 May 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you are updating your bedroom's ensuite bathroom or installing a new one from scratch, then you may well be seeking a professional design that would be in keeping with a five-star hotel. Often, domestic ensuites are poky little rooms which you cannot fit much more than a tiny shower cubicle and a pedestal toilet in. The key to achieving an ensuite that looks like it is the sort of thing you'd see in bathroom showrooms is maximising the amount of space you have available. Read More 

How to Use Glass Creatively When Creating a New Shower Experience

16 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

One of the first things that you look at when you're scouting out a new home is the shower. There's a reason that many call the bathroom the restroom. It's because people like to spend time in there, escaping from the world and pampering themselves. A shower is a very important part of your home and it makes sense to put a little more effort into it, if you are up for a redesign. Read More